Urmston & District Veterans Bowling League

Green rota
Honours board
Minutes and accounts
Direct entry of match results

Match result sheet

The Urmston Vets Bowling League operates two divisions in an area mainly consisting of Urmston, Stretford and south-west Salford. We operate two divisions, playing on Wednesday afternoons. Teams are of eight players, over 55 years of age.

The league is run from day to day by its management committee:

  • Chairman: Ian Blythe
  • Vice-chairman: Jack Taylor
  • Secretary: Mike Mulchrone
  • Treasurer:
  • Fixture secretary: Ross Kavanagh

Merit 2024

Delegates' meetings

Presentation Day 2023

League winners

Direct entry of match results


Merit 2024

We received 13 entries for the Merit.

This competition will therefore be run as a one-day event, on Friday 14 June at Winton Social. In order to complete it in a reasonable time, it will start at 12.30pm.

Entries are as follows:

Doug Brown Roebuck
Robert Cummings Winton Social
Tony Flanagan Metro Sports
Paul Gallagher Partington
Alan Hamilton Partington
Derek Hanson Winton Social
Paul Kelly Urmston Mens
Alan Lowe Metro Sports
Lindsay Mulrooney Sale Excel
Jim Peloe Metro Sports
Steve Ridley Lloyds
Geoff Russell Urmston Mens
James Stock Monton

The draw will be made from those present at the start time.

(Monday 3 June 2024)

Delegates' meetings

Advance information on the next meetings, both at Urmston Men's Club (1pm start)...

  • Wednesday 17 January: distribution of provisional registration lists
  • Wednesday 13 March: distribution of fixture cards, entry forms, match sheets etc;
    registration of players and payment of team fees

(Friday 12 January 2024)

Presentation Day 2023

The annual memorial match between Trafford and Salford was held this year on Wednesday 4 October at Metro Sports Club.

The format was an eight-a-side match. Representatives from Salford teams were paired with players from Trafford teams, with each pair coming from the same division. Games were 21-up, off 6.

The match was drawn: Salford were last year's winnere and retain the trophy.

Teams for the match:

Mike Gresty Sale Excel A
17 v Bob Berry Winton Social A
Paul Kelly Urmston Mens A 21 v Craig Bishop Newtown Park 12
Steve Crowder Roebuck
21 v Sue Berry Winton Social B 20
Neville Rowles Sale Excel B
17 v Stuart Ridgway Monton B
Alan Lowe Metro Sports A
17 v Brian Johnson Chandos
Jean Bateson Flixton Ex-serv.
9 v Robin Ellison Monton A
Colin Taylor Metro Sports B
21 v Dave Ripley Winton Social B
Dave Massey Flixton CC 21 v Derek Hanson Winton Social A 16
Totals 144     144

(Wednesday 4 October 2023)

League winners

The 2023 league season finished on 13 September, with the winners of both divisions dependent on the last round of matches.

Congratulations to newcomers Sale Excelsior: the A team won Division 1 and the B team won Division 2. This ends a run of ten successive wins of Division 1 for Winton Social A.

(Thursday 14 September 2023)

Direct entry of match results

For the 2014 season we are trying out a new system where team captains can enter match results directly on the web site. This will produce instant updates of the league tables.

See the user guide for full details.

(Tuesday 1 April 2014)


The 2012 to 2014 seasons have now been copied to the archives. There is a link at the top of every page to take you there.

In the archives you can search for records of leagues, teams and players, across all the leagues on this site.

The 2011 season is now included as well, although we don't have detailed match scores.

(Wednesday 19 December 2012)