Urmston & District Veterans Bowling League

Minutes of Annual General Meeting, 2019

11 November 2019

Held at Urmston Men’s Club

Jack Taylor chaired the meeting.

A minutes silence was held for passed members.

Secretary’s report:
Mike thanked committee and informed delegates of Patricroft park’s move to Goldenhill Park.

Fixture secretary’s report
Ross said that teams played short 26 times last season (10% of matches). Use of playing twice had settled down and no team used it more than four times.

Merit and Pairs comps were badly entered again but measures to be proposed to try and rectify it.

Financial and Auditors report:
Ross went through balance sheet and informed delegates that team registrations would be raised by £10 next season but entry into pairs and merit would be free for members.

No objections.

Auditors said balance sheet was ok and agreed with registration rise.

Notices of Motion.

To amend way handicaps are calculated:
Carried 8-7

Average winner to be decided on most wins:
Carried 11-1

To allow teams in both divisions to play their worst loser again if they are short:
Carried 13-1

Officers and honorariums to remain the same.