Stockport and District Bowling League

Welcolme to the web site of The Stockport & District Bowling League

Rules & Byelaws

S&D Match Sheet (EVE)
S&D Match Sheet (VETS)
Adshead Cup & Deighton Shield result sheet
S&D Match Sheet (WORKSHOPS)
VP & George Kay Cups Match Sheet

Honours board

2025 Calendar

The Evening League play on a Tuesday or Thursday evening and currently has 3 divisions, consisting of 10 players per team.

The 1st and 2nd Division play in a Knockout for the Adshead Cup and the 3rd division play's in a Knockout for the Keith Deighton Plate.

The Veterans play on a Monday afternoon and currently have 4 divisions, consisting of 8 players per team, playing in pairs.

The Veterans play in a Pairs Knockout for the Bill Wildman Trophy.

The Workshop League plays on a Friday evening and currently has 2 divisions, consisting of 10 players per team.

The Workshop 1st division play in a knockout for the VP cup.

The Workshop 2nd division play in a knockout for the George Kay cup.

The Workshop play in a Merit competition.  

The Officers of the league are :- 

President: Malcolm Savage

Chairman: Open

Hon. Secretary: Steve Fletcher

Registration and Match Secretary, Veterans Leagues: John Cunningham, email:

Registration and Match Secretary, Evening Leagues: John Cunningham, email:

Registration and Match Secretary, Workshops: Steve Fletcher, email:

Treasurer : Steph Alsop

Management Committee : P. Penny, P. Mason, D. Malcolm, S Heald, J Cunningham, G Richards, John Carter, Barry Jones  




S and D Rules Revisions


The pre-season meeting will take place at LMRCA on 20th March 2025 8.00pm.

please return your player registrations at this meeting.

(Sunday 19 January 2025)

S and D Rules Revisions

The following rules were revised at the AGM. 

LM 2. Females are allowed to play in the evening leagues.

LR 7. Ref to Insurance was removed.

LR 17. "As soon as possible after the date" removed replaced with "the evening match secreary must be informed". Re-arangement must be made within 1 month, failure to comply a fine of 2 points will be imposed.

LR 18. Rule re-written. postponements must be made 7 days prior to the match, with the reason. The committee will decide if it can be postponed. Being short of players is not a valid reason. In all cases clubs must fulfill their senior team matches.

LR 19,20 & 21, Deleted

LR 22,23 & 24, Re-numbered 

MR 3. Ref to Veterans removed from rule.

VMR 9. Ref to Evening leagues removed from rule. 2 players can now be drawn out. To do the draw individual names shall be written on slips of paper. No players can be taken out of the draw.

VMR 20. "As soon as possible after the date" removed, "replaced with the Veterans match secretary must be informed". Re-arangements must be made within 1 month, failure to comply a fine of 5 chalks will be imposed.

VMR 21. Rule re-written. postponement must be made 7 days prior to the match, with the reason. The committee will decide if it can be postponed. Being short of players is not a valid reason. In all cases clubs must fulfill their senior team matches.

VMR 23. Deleted

VMR 24, 25 & 26. Re-numbered 


(Sunday 19 January 2025)