Welcolme to the web site of The Stockport & District Bowling League |
The Evening League play on a Tuesday or Thursday evening and currently has 4 divisions, consisting of 10 players per team. The 1st and 2nd Division play in a Knockout for the Adshead Plate and the 3rd & 4th divisions play in a Knockout for the Keith Deighton Plate. The Veterans play on a Monday afternoon and currently have 4 divisions, consisting of 8 players per team, playing in pairs. The Veterans play in a Pairs Knockout for the Bill Wildman Trophy. The Officers of the league are :- President: Keith Deighton Chairman: Malcolm Savage Hon. Secretary: Steve Fletcher Registration and Match Secretary, Veterans Leagues: Steve Fletcher, email: stevosecretary21@yahoo.com Registration and Match Secretary, Evening Leagues: John Cunningham, email: sanddresults@virginmedia.com Treasurer : Steph Alsop Management Committee : P. Penny, P. Mason, D. Malcolm, S Heald, K Deighton, J Cunningham, G Richards
ADSHEAD CUP and KEITH DEIGHTON SHIELDThe final of both competitions take place on Sunday 1st September at Poynton Working Mens Club, both matches will start at 11.00am. with 2 players from each final. Adshead Cup: Houldsworth WMC 1 v Lloyds Hotel Keith Deighton Shield: Crown 2 v Great Moor 3 Tea & Coffee will be avaliable from 10.00am. Sandwiches will be on sale from 12.00 and the bar will be open from 12.00. All supporters are welcolme | |
(Wednesday 28 August 2024) | |
Bill Wildman PairsThe draw for the final, to be played at The Nursery 27th May AT 1.00pm, can be found on the Evening tab. | |
(Wednesday 8 May 2024) | |
BILL WILDMAN PAIRSbill wildman players by venue.xlsx Player venues are avaliable on this link | |
(Sunday 28 April 2024) | |
PLAYER SHORTAGE RULEThe player shortage rule is very clear as stated in the Rules & Bylaws. However so there is no misunderstanding, for example, if you are 2 players short in the lowest team in your club, then 2 players can play twice. You MUST place 8 cards on the table for the opposition captain to draw 2 out to play again. ( In the evening you can take 2 cards out of the draw and the vets 1 card out of the draw, if you have players that cannot play twice). If a player is drawn out and does not wish to play again then you forfit that game 21- 0. The player must still be named on the match sheet. If this process is not followed and the team with players short gains an unfair advantage, then the committee will apply penalty's in the form of deducting points. | |
(Friday 12 April 2024) | |
NAVIGATIONUnfortunatly The Navigation have resigned from the evening league and the vets league. This means the teams in division C (evening) will have a free week when they were due to play the Navigation. This also means that The Grange have a bye in the Keith Deighton Shield. The teams in division D (veterans) will also have a free week when they were due to play the Navigation. | |
(Tuesday 2 April 2024) | |
Change of SecretaryCheadle Cons Secretary has changed from Neil Golding to Ian Atkins, in the Vets pairs, it will be correct on the "contact details" but wrong in the handbook. Poynton WM Secretary has changed from David Quinn to Steve Kay, in the Vets pairs, it will be correct on the "contact details" but wrong in the handbook. | |
(Wednesday 20 March 2024) | |
POSTAGE STAMPSPlease Note, those clubs that still use Royal Mail to send in their result sheets, you must use the new stamps with the bar code (other stamps are not valid) If you use the old stamps I have to pay £2.50 to get it from the post office. That charge will be passed on to you. | |
(Friday 1 March 2024) | |
PRE-SEASON MEETINGThe pre-season meeting will take place at LMRCA 0n 21st March 2024, at 8.00pm | |
(Monday 19 February 2024) | |
Rule ChangesFollowing approval at the AGM these are the rule changes please make sure your captains and players are aware. League Rule 14. Match Rule 13. Cup Rule 10. The rules are avaliable by selecting "Rules and Bylaws" above. | |
(Wednesday 31 January 2024) |