Sale and Urmston league: Sale League: Urmston league: |
The Sale and Urmston Bowling Association was founded in 2022 from a merger of the Sale & District Bowling League and the Urmston & District Bowling Association. We run two leagues playing in the evenings: on Mondays for teams of ten and on Wednesdays for teams of eight. Historical records for the predecessor leagues can be found via the links on the left. |
Pre-season meetingThe pre-season delegates’ meeting will be on Wednesday 13 March, 7.30pm at Urmston Men’s Club. This meeting is for the distribution of paperwork for the season, and payment of the initial team fees. | |
(Wednesday 7 February 2024) | |
BrooklandsBrooklands report that their green is expected to be fit for play this year. They will no longer be playing at Northen Etchells. | |
(Tuesday 6 February 2024) | |
Annual general meetingThe minutes of the 2024 annual general meeting are now available. | |
(Thursday 11 January 2024) | |
Rules Revision meetingThe minutes of the rules revision meeting held on 28 November are now available. There was one proposal: to reduce the team size on Mondays to eight, which was rejected. | |
(Wednesday 29 November 2023) | |
2023 SeasonWith the conclusion of the 2023 season, it's congratulations again to Roebuck: winners of both the Monday and Wednesday leagues, and also both team knockouts. Team photos are on the knockout pages. Also congratulations to Davyhulem Social, winners of Division on Wednesdays.
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(Sunday 24 September 2023) | |
TrophiesBoth the Sale and Urmston leagues had amassed a collection of trophies, more than they needed individually and certainly too many for the new association. There is a web page listing what we have. Some of them may have historical or sentimental interest, but to whom? Some may have significant value as bullion. Suggestions for the future use of these trophies are welcome. If anybody knows the whereabouts of yet more trophies, please contact the secretary. | |
(Thursday 18 August 2022) | |
Direct entry user namesClubs that play on both Mondays and Wednesdays were issued with two user names, and corresponding passwords. You can now use either user name (with its corresponding password) for matches on either night. | |
(Monday 2 May 2022) | |
FloodlightsThree greens report problems with their floodlights. Matches at these venues should start at 6.30pm in April (especially Monday matches; we can be a bit more relaxed towards the end of April on Wednesdays).
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(Wednesday 30 March 2022) |