Minutes of meeting held Thursday 2nd May at Mere Parish Club
The chairman opened the meeting by introducing herself and welcomed all present.
- Apologies for absence were received from Ken Barker (President) John Leah (Chelford) Mike Grocott (Oughtrington) Denis O'Neil (Knutsford 'A') All clubs were represented.
- Minutes of previous meeting held 26th January were read and accepted. Proposed Molly Sutton (Church Inn) Seconded Kath Perks (Conservative)
- Matters arising. There were no matters arising
- Officers Reports.
The Treasurer confirmed that the bank account is working satisfactorily and statements are received regularly. The Secretary said that as we were only three weeks into the season and had little to report. He covered item 8 in his address.
- Handicaps Proposed handicaps for 2012 were circulated. No amendments were made Delegates were asked to contact the Secretary if any anomalies were found
- Competition Dates The Secretary pointed out that the dates shown in the handbook are correct, however, the day for the Individual competition is Sunday and not Saturday and the Pairs competition is Saturday and not Sunday.
- Individual Competition. 22 members had entered this year's competition being hosted at Knutsford Bowling Club, and the draw took place. The draw will be published on the web site together with estimated starting times. The secretary said it was most disappointing that no entries had been received from the host club.
- Results The secretary asked the meeting if we should continue to send our results to the Knutsford Guardian as many weeks go by and no results are published. Jim Gray (Chelford) felt that it is important to try to get our results and league tables published to promote both the league and bowling in general. It was agreed that the Secretary continue to send in the results and league tables each week. The Secretary asked the captains to make sure that he received the match result over the weekend, as he needs to get the report to the Guardian by Monday morning. He also said that he would be prepared to receive the match score sheet from a scanned copy as post is becoming expensive. However, he would still like to receive the official score sheets at some point during the season.
- Any Other Business.. Derek Crawley (Oughtrington) asked if the knockout match between their A & B teams could be played on their own green instead of the neutral venue selected. The Secretary confirmed that our rules say that team knockout matches are played on neutral greens however, he had no objection providing that it did not set a precedent since other teams might have differing views. There was a lively discussion and a vote taken with the majority voting in favor of implementing rule 12.1 and matches be played on neutral greens.
There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.30pm