Knutsford Friday Bowling League

Minutes of 34th Annual General Meeting held at Mere Parish Club

Thursday 23rd February 2012

The chairman opened the meeting welcoming 31 members. A minutes silence was observed for members who had passed away during the last year.

Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received Ken Barker (President) Ann Hodges (High Legh) Jim & Hilda Hall (Chelford) & Carole Critchley (Church Inn)

Minutes of 2011 AGM

The secretary read the minutes from the 33rd AGM held 24th February 2011. These were accepted. Proposed by Molly Sutton (Church Inn) and Seconded by John Leah (Chelford)

Chairman's Report

The Chairman thanked the Treasurer and Secretary for their work during the season and the committee for their input. He thanked the clubs who hosted and ran our competitions and Mere Parish Club for the use of the room for meetings. He confirmed that he was stepping down as Chairman after the AGM due to health reasons. He said that he would miss the involvement but he was sure that the league was in "good hands" and wished it continued strength.

Treasurers Report

The treasurer distributed copies of the income and expenditure for the past year, which showed a bank balance of £486.53. He confirmed that the accounts had been audited and the bank statement was available for anyone wishing to see it. He said that income and expenditure amounts were similar to previous years and with the profit from presentation evening meant that we could still afford a small rebate in line with rule 6.3. However, we have some expense hanging over from last year and a new annual cost of insurance for holding league competitions and he felt the need to propose an increase in greenage from £2.40 to £2.70 per team per game. This would raise and additional £158.40 for the season. He closed his remarks by thanking the club treasurers for their prompt payment and would be pleased to answer any questions. Jim Gray (Chelford) asked if there was extra interest payable since changing our bank account to Lloyds Bank. The treasurer said with interest rates so low there was only modest interest received and this applied to all banks.
Jim Gray (Chelford) Proposed the accounts be accepted.
Seconded Mike Grocott (Oughtrington)

Secretaries Report.

The secretary opened his remarks by thanking the Chairman for producing the fixtures and advised the captains present that a provisional list had been included in the pack handed out at the beginning of the meeting. The pack also contained a list of players from last season and he asked this to be updated and returned to him before 30th March. He said that last year's AGM asked for the league to adopt the software used by other local leagues to show our results and league tables. This was adopted mid season and with the co-operation of the web master Ross Kavanagh we have managed to include past competition winners together with minutes of meetings. He went on to congratulate the competition winners David Lowe (Chelford) Individual, Maryke Todd and Steve Elstone (Conservative) Pairs. Mary & Geoff Owen (Mixed Pairs) Victory Hall 'A' (Team Knockout) Victory Hall 'C' (Six-a-Side) Knutsford 'A' (Division 1) and High Legh 'B' (Division 2) and confirmed that Church Inn 'B' will join High Legh 'B' playing in division one this season. He asked that captains to ensure that their respective team members were aware of competition closing dates and not just pin them up on club notice boards as occasionally he receives requests for entries after the draw has been made. He concluded his remarks by thanking the Victory Hall for the use of their room for the annual Presentation Evening and asked their delegate to convey our thanks to Ralph Waite and Steve Armitage for their help in preparing the room.

Competition Venues 2012

Individual - Knutsford Bowling Club - Sunday 27th May.
Pairs - Goostrey Bowling Club - Saturday 7th July
Mixed Pairs - Mere - Sunday 2nd September
The club representatives were asked to confirm their willingness to host the competitions by 29th February.


Annual Rebate Rule 6.3. £8.00 per team playing in the league during season 2011
Proposed Management Committee
Seconded Brian Jones (Railway)
Carried unanimously

Green Fees Rule 6.1. Increase by £0.30p per team per week to £2.70
Proposed Management Committee
Seconded Molly Sutton (Church Inn)
Carried unanimously

Election of Officers

On behalf of the league the Secretary thanked Don for his work during the 14 years he has served as Chairman and said that there would be a more appropriate time for members to show their appreciation, but felt that we could not let the occasion pass without acknowledging his contribution to the leagues success. Carole Critchley was nominated for the position of Chairman Proposed by Molly Sutton & Seconded by Jane Whitehead There being no other nominations the meeting voted unanimously to elect Carole as Chairman. The were no nominations for the other officers and each had confirmed that they were prepared to stand again they were unanimously voted en-block

PresidentKen Barker
SecretaryAlan Perks
TreasurerChris Grice
AuditorTony Wein


The Treasurer and Secretary said they were happy with the honorariums and no increase was necessary this year. However, to save the embarrassment each year it was proposed that honoraria be increased by the annual CPI (consumer price index) and rounded to the nearest £. Proposed Management Committee Seconded Geoff Owen (Mere)


A registration form was included in the pack given out to team captains, which they were reminded to complete and return by 30th March.

League Season

The season will commence on 6th April with the first league matches. Preliminary round of the team knockout will be 13th April.

Points taken outside the AGM

League Meetings were confirmed as follows for 2012. Thursday 3rd May, Thursday 7th June, Thursday 16th August

Team Knockout Draw The draw was completed and 16 teams will compete on 13th April for a place in the first round. The secretary will circulate the draw and it was left to the officers to decide on greens.

Presentation Evening 30th November was selected as the date for the Presentation Evening

Club Contacts Delegates were asked to notify the secretary of any changes in their club officials following their respective AGMs. As a matter of urgency please notify any change in captains and vice captains so that our fixture book contains the correct contact details.

The meeting closed at 9.05pm