St Helens Pensioner Bowling Association

Welcome to the website for the St. Helens Pensioner Bowling Association for 2024.


League Rules:
League Rules

Cup Rules:
Cup Rules

Manage League:
Manage League

President: Ray Connor

Chairman: Les Hatton

Secretary: Trevor Bold

Treasurer: Brian Egerton

Fixture Secretary: Dave Swain

EC Members: Jim Smith

Final Cup Draws 2024

Teams playing at 11.00am

Des Knowles

Cgleague Information.

Final Cup Draws 2024

President's Cup

           Haydock C.C. "B" (   )         vs      Carr Mill "A" (   )                     

                      The above games will be played at           

Chairman's Cup

            Vulcan "A" (   )      vs      Viaduct (Scr)              

                          The above games will be played at                


 Matches are to be played on Friday 16th August 2024, commencing at 1.00pm.

Handicaps and Venues will be displayed following a meeting of the Executive Committee.

(Wednesday 24 July 2024)

Teams playing at 11.00am

The following teams play their league matches at 11.00am:

Division 1    Rainhill "A"

Division 2    Eccleston Lane Ends "B"

Division 3    Mesnes Park "C" & Rainhill "D"

Division 4    Unison "C"

PS. Preliminary Cup matches up to the Quater Finals played on a Wednesday at Eagle & Child (Rfd) also commence at 11.00am.


(Tuesday 23 July 2024)

Des Knowles

It is with great sadness that I have been informed of the passing of Des Knowles who was a good friend, a member of Eccleston B.C. and the St Helens Bowling fraternity. RIP.

Trevor Bold

(Sunday 21 July 2024)

Cgleague Information.

During 2024 there will be more information published on this site. It will be in your interest to log into this site on a regular basis to keep up with any news that we may wish to inform you of.

(Wednesday 14 February 2024)