Cheadle & Gatley District Bowling League

Bob Newlan Memorial Trophy - Rules

These notes describe in detail how the rules are currently interpreted. This is based on custom and practice and it is not necessarily the last word. In some cases the league rules are not clear and so different interpretations may be possible. Although the rules were revised for the 2003 season, the previous wording was deliberately retained. We didn’t want to have rules that read like acts of parliament (or more likely, are not read at all).

Declaration of teams
Both captains should arrive with their teams numbered from one to ten in order of play. The whole draw is done at the start of the match. Each player must then be available when called. If a player is not available, then a substitute (not in the original ten) may play.
Tied match
If the match is drawn, the team with the most winners goes through. If the teams both have the same number of winners, the team with the most winners among the first three games goes through. This will be based on the score sheet, which if it has been filled in correctly will also be the order of play.
Eligibility of players
All players must be “registered for league matches.” This is understood to refer to the evening league. From Round 2 onwards, players “must have played in at least one quarter of the club’s league games.” Here we need to fix two numbers: how many league games and a quarter of this.

We count the league games actually played up to the date of the cup round (including matches brought forward, but excluding matches postponed).

If a club has two league teams both entered in the cup, each team’s matches are counted separately.

If a club has two league teams but only enters one team in the cup, the league ‘A’ team’s matches are counted.

This gives the minimum number of games each player must have under his belt: it is one quarter or more of the league games. If this is not a whole number it must be rounded up: for example 2 is not “at least one quarter” of 9.

Qualifying games must be played in the evening league. If a club has two teams, then games for either team count (but check the team-switching rules).
Switching between teams
These notes only apply when a club has two teams entered in the cup.

At no time may a player play for the cup ‘B’ team if on the date in question he has played in three or more league matches for the ‘A’ team and has a plus average (an average of exactly zero is OK).

While both teams are still in the cup, no-one that has played for one cup team may play for the other.

After one team has been eliminated, up to four players from that team may play for the other team.