Cheadle & Gatley District Bowling League

Minutes of Half-yearly General Meeting, 2008

24 November 2008, 7.30pm

Held at Cheadle Conservative Club

1. Roll call

Present: President, Secretary, Veterans’ Match Secretary, Treasurer and delegates
Absences: Bungalow, Levenshulme Klondyke, Stockport CC, Wythenshawe Park

2. Minutes of previous half-yearly meeting

The minutes of the previous half yearly meeting had been circulated. They were taken as read and approved.

3. Proposed rule changes

3.1 Practice

Amend rule 3.3 (Practice) to read:

The home team to have sole use of the green for practice until 15 minutes before the start time. The away team to have sole use for the remaining 15 minutes, with the match jacks being made available. The away captain may practise with the home team to allow time for the draw to be made.

Proposed by Poynton WMC and Crown Hotel

Poynton WMC and Crown Hotel stated that at times the green became very crowded before a match, with the present free for all. They argued that better practice would be possible with fewer people on the green. Other clubs argued that the present system generally worked well, and that it allowed those who worked to arrive at the last minute and still get a roll over.

As opinions were divided between evening and veterans’ clubs, it was agreed to split the motion into two: one for each league.

On a vote, the motion relating to the evening league was passed 16 to 10.

On a vote, the motion relating to the veterans’ league was passed about 25 to 12.

3.2 Evening League Team Size

Amend rule 4.1 (Size of teams), substituting “eight” for “10”. Make proportional adjustments to other numbers related to the team size.

Proposed by Edgeley Cons

The Edgeley Cons delegate explained that they had had difficulty fielding a full team during the season, and believed that other clubs had the same problem. Reducing teams to eight-a-side would perhaps allow some teams to continue that might otherwise have to fold.

Other clubs regarded this as a retrograde step, especially as it was only a couple of years since we had gone from 12 to 10. Gatley Rec argued that it was essentially reactive, when proactive measures were needed.

On a vote, the motion was rejected with 3 votes in favour.

4. Presentation of trophies and prizes

The president presented league and cup trophies and prize money and trophies to the average winners.

5. General discussion of matters affecting the league

Heald Green suggested that the Bob Newlan competition should be run on Tuesday nights. This would avoid the present problem of finding players and greens on a Sunday. There was currently a particular problem with clubs that knock out a team in the first round on a Tuesday but then scratch from the competition. We are after all a Tuesday night league.

The secretary pointed out that we had moved the Merit to Tuesday evenings in 2008 and this had been a modest success. He wanted to continue this experiment. Fitting five rounds of the Bob Newlan in as well would make for a long season, so he thought the final should remain on a Sunday.

As the meeting was generally in favour, he would try to work out a programme for 2009.

There was some discussion on how to get new players into the game. The Stockport Bowls Development Group had organised popular awareness days for schools, but this needed to be followed up by neighbouring clubs.

The secretary reported that we had received applications from Didsbury BC for a team in the evening league and Vernon Park Veterans for a team in the veterans’ league. He welcomed these clubs to the meeting. Nursery and West Heaton also wished to enter additional teams in the veterans’ league. Up to date there had been no resignations.

The Annual General Meeting would be on 26 January 2009.

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 8.45pm.