Sale and District Bowling League

Minutes of General Meeting, 1949

General Meeting held at the Queens Hotel
Jan 18th 1950

The following Clubs were represented by
T Burgess, A Lodge (United Services Club)
W Marsland, A Wilkenson, J Hutchinson, W Proudfoot (Sale Queens)
H Dixon (Sale Excelsior)
S Roberts (Stretford Gas)
A Brandreth (Lindow)
D L Whitefoot (Lan Dynamo)
T Lee MCT (Cringlewood)

The Chairman was absent owing to other business & it was moved & sec that we nominate Mr J Hutchinson to take the Chair, this was put to a vote & carried.

Mr J Hutchinson then called on the Secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting, these were accepted with the proviso that we insert a minute which was omitted at our last meeting.

A Letter was read from Mr J Marsland of the Lindow Bowling Club, this was to inform the meeting that they had decided not to join the new League, although the representative of the Club had attended most of the meetings, their complaint was that they could not fit their other matches of the LV League, seeing that the games of both Leagues were on the same week nights.

A Phone call came from the Angel Bowling Club Stretford, suggesting that we admit their Club as members of the League, we have already had a minute from one of our earlier meetings to the effect that we do not accept any Club over the Mersey Bridge, this Club being out of the Area, this was moved & Sec that we cannot accept them as members of the League.

Mr A Wilkinson proposed Mr S Roberts Sec that we frame a rule to the effect that players register for A and B and A plays B in the first two matches. Players registered for A can only play for A players for B can also only play for B.

It was moved & Sec by Mr T Burgess & Mr D Whitefoot that we start our League matches on May 1st.

Mr T Lee moved Mr T Burgess Sec that we elect each Club Secretary to sit on the Committee and if unable to attend they entitled to send a representative to the committee meetings.

Moved & Sec that Mr W R Burke be the Chairman, Mr J Derbyshire Vice-Chairman J Vaughan Secretary & Treasurer for 1950.

Presidents & Vice-Presidents to be the same as elected at our earlier meetings.

The following are the list of officials.
President Mr Wilfred Allen
Vice-Presidents Mr H Evans, Mr R Robson, Mr T Burgess, Mr J Derbyshire, Mr R Johnson, A Brandreth
Mr W R Burke Chairman
Mr J Derbyshire Vice-chairman
Mr J Vaughan Secretary & Treasurer
Committee Messrs T Burgess, S Roberts, D L Whitefoot, W R Burke, H Vaughan, A Bowers These are Secretaries of the League Teams.
Mr T Burgess, Mr S Roberts Auditors

It was moved & sec that the next committee meeting be held at the Queens Hotel March 1st this being for the drawing of the fixtures.

Moved by Mr T Burgess Sec by Mr H Dixon that the best thanks be given to the Chairman Mr J Hutchinson for the able manner he had conducted the meeting.

Mr J Hutchinson replied thanking those present for their attendance & suggested that we show our appreciation to the Landlord Mr R Johnson for kindly allowing us the use of the room.

T Burgess 1/3/50