Knutsford Friday Bowling League

Minutes of 39th Annual General Meeting held at Mere Parish Club

Thursday 23rd February 2017

A minutes silence was observed for those members who had passed away during the last year.

Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Allan Burdett (High Legh) Julie Bason (Cranford) Mike Grocott & Maria Corless (Oughtrington) Derek Hurdle (Goostrey) and Celia Brown (Railway)
Knutsford Bowling Club & Victory Hall were not represented

Minutes of 2016 AGM

The minutes of last year’s AGM were posted on the web site and agreed to be a true and proper record.

Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman thanked both the Treasurer and Secretary for their continued hard work and commitment to the League. She thanked the Secretary for all the work on the on-line results page which has been a great success, and thanked the captains for inputting the results promptly. She went on to say that the competitions had received better support and it has helped by playing the preliminary rounds on a Friday, thus reducing the games on the finals day to take just half a day. It was good to see the Individual Merit Trophy being played for again after a one year absence. She thanked the clubs who hosted the competitions, Church Inn, Knutsford Bowling Club, Chelford and The Victory Hall.

Treasurers Report

The Treasurer distributed copies of the income and expenditure for the past year, which showed a bank balance of £694.20. He briefly went through the figures presented in the two statements – the single year’s figures in the one with an analysis and 4 year comparison in the other. He proposed a rebate of £12.25 per team competing in the league during 2016 this would leave a bank balance of £400.20 to comply with rule 6.3.

Secretaries Report.

The Secretary thanked the captains for getting to grips with self reporting of results, and after a couple of early teething problems everything had worked smoothly. He said that all the minutes of meetings are posted on the web site so that all members can keep up to date with what is discussed at our meetings. He urged the captains to ensure that they inform their respective teams of the league competitions, meetings and the annual presentation evening. In fact do a bit of “whipping in”.

Competition Venues 2017

Individual – Railway Inn Bowling Club – Sunday 4th June.
Pairs – High Legh Bowling Club – Saturday 1st July
Mixed Pairs –Mere Bowling Club – Sunday 3rd September
Jack Bryning Team Pairs – Knutsford Bowling Club from 18th September


Jack Bryning Trophy

Rule 12.2 Each team to be handicapped from their league position at the time of the draw. Leader of division 1 form scratch down to +42 for the bottom team in division 2. A 2 point differential except for the bottom team in division 1, and the top team in division 2. These two team will benefit from a 1 point differential from position 11.
Propose change to: Each team to be handicapped from their league position at the time of the draw. Leader of division 1 from scratch down to +23 for the bottom team in division 2
Proposed by Derek Hurdle (Goostrey) seconded Les Jennings (Warford Park)

Rule 12.7
Should any club enter just one team the higher team handicap will be applied.
Propose change to: As the competition is designed as a team event, and as such players should play within the squad they are registered. Should any club enter just one team mixed with higher and lower team members the higher team handicap will be applied. Similarly, should a lower team play any member from a higher team then the higher team handicap will be applied.
Proposed by League Secretary Seconded Brian Jones (Railway)

Propose a rebate to member clubs of £12.25
Proposed Chris Grice (Treasurer) Seconded Kath Perks (Cranford)

Election of Officers

The were no nominations for officers and each had confirmed that they were prepared to stand again they were unanimously voted en-block
President Ken Barker
Chairman Carole Critchley
Secretary Alan Perks
Treasurer Chris Grice
Auditor Tony Wein

The President and Chairman have indicated that they will retire at the end of this season, so we will need to receive nominations for replacements. The Treasurer pointed out that these are two of the less onerous rolls on the management committee, but nevertheless important rolls.


The chairman said that honoraria would rise by CPI (consumer price index) as agreed at 2012 AGM.


A registration form was given out to team captains, which they were reminded to complete and return promptly.

League Season

The season will commence on 7th April with the first league match.

Presentation Evening

The annual Presentation Evening will be held on Friday 24th November.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm

Points taken outside the AGM

League Meetings were confirmed as follows for 2017. Thursday 18th May, Thursday 15thJune, Thursday 17th August

Delegates were asked to notify the secretary of any changes in their club officials following their respective AGMs. As a matter of urgency please notify any change in captains and vice captains so that our fixture book contains the correct contact details.